
This is talk is one of those talks you’ll want to listen to over and over. In this BMA favorite, you’ll discover what mindfulness really is and get walked through a mindfulness exercise so powerful it may put you right into a meditative state! Shifu Ahles explains about present minded thinking and effectively points out how much of our lives are being wasted in the past or thinking what ifs about the future. Learn how to slow your thoughts and watch the breath during meditation. Get past the “I can’t meditate” mentality.

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Awareness of Thought

[amprotect=1,4,5,6] [/amprotect] 0-6 Minutes What is Going on Inside us is Rooted in our Thoughts Watching our Thoughts – Becoming Aware of What We Are Thinking What Percent of Our Time is Rooted in Thinking About the Past & Future? We Need to Increase the Percentage of Time Spent in this Moment Accepting “What Is” […]

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Awareness of Feeling

[amprotect=1,4,5,6] [/amprotect] 0-5 Minutes Feelings within the Body – Kinesthetic Feeling How Athletes get Good Acquiring Skill Requires Repetition and Adjustments Better Body Awareness – People who Use Body All the Time 5 -10 Minutes More Complex Movement Bigger the Benefits Sports Compared with a Discipline Discipline about Growth, Development & Refined Challenge in the […]

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Awareness of Influences

[amprotect=1,4,5,6] [/amprotect] 0-6 Minutes Our Influences and Who We Influence Story of Man Getting Ticket and Ensuing Chain Reaction Behaviors of Others are Contagious Subconscious Influences that Affect Us 6-12 Minutes Negative Behaviors and Environment that have Impact Us Studious College Roommate vs. Party Roommate Scenario Studies Show Person in Distress Gets Help or Not […]

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Awareness in Relationships

[amprotect=1,4,5,6] [/amprotect] 0-5 Minutes Feasts, Holidays, Birthdays Designed to Bring Awareness Love Tests: Not Negotiable – Love not Diminished by Another’s Lack of Knows No Fear – Sacrificing Self for the Welfare of Others Wildebeest Video – A Mother’s Love 5-10 Minutes Holding those we Love in the Highest Esteem Projecting our Love onto Others […]

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Meditation For Clarity

[amprotect=1,4,5,6,amsilent] [/amprotect] Part 1 Much Overlap with the 7 Keys – 2-5 All Require Clarity to be Effective Meditation Requires Concentration without just a Mind Full of Thoughts Clarity helps us to see what is Really There Mental Control is very Hard in this Society Part 2 Peeling Away the Layers of the Illusion of […]

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