Get Your Weekly Boost…

And Break Through Your Barriers To Change!

The “BMA Talks” Membership Program gives you access to Shifu Ahles’ weekly online video talks recorded live at the Blue Dragon School of Martial Arts in Bergenfield, NJ. Week after week you will be getting members-only access to inspirational talks that provide valuable insights and information that you can immediately start to apply to improve and enrich your life.

Here is How it Works: You can subscribe to a 3-Day Trial for only $1.00. If you wish to continue your membership, you will be billed just $9.00 each month. OR, you may choose to pay once for a full year of continuous access (conveniently billed once every 12 months until cancelled) – which includes a 20% discount off the monthly rate and full access to ALL ARCHIVED CONTENT!

These offers are available to new members only for a LIMITED TIME so don’t delay. Simply choose which payment option you prefer and click the link below to sign up and start getting on-line video access right away. If you choose the monthly subscription option, the first day you become a subscriber you will have access to 3 weeks worth of archived talks in addition to the most recent 3-4 talks. After the first week has passed, one new talk will become available nearly every week (there are occasions when there is no talk).

You will retain access to ALL the archived talks made available to you for as long as you keep your membership active.

Start your journey to Personal Growth, Inner Peace & Self Improvement. Sign up for your BMA Weekly Boost Today!I

If you do not wish to continue your trial or monthly membership, you can cancel at any time. Annual subscriptions are non-refundable. Please see our FAQs for more details.

Basic Monthly Plan

Convenient monthly payment

3-Day Trial Subscription for only $1.00!

Listen Anytime, Anywhere!

$9 / month

Content starts with the month you subscribe (just like a magazine subscription).

NEW Annual Subscription

Pay once a year and Save Over 20%!

Click below and get the following BONUS:

Full access to all archived content!

(That's 100s of Thought-Provoking Life-Changing Talks!)

Listen Anytime, Anywhere!

$85 / year

Content starts with the earliest talks we have online right on up to our most current!