End of Year Talk 2009



0-6 Minutes
A Vision Realized – Current Time & Student Body Shifu’s favorite
Attitude, Effort and Focus of Student’s Testing
Recognizing those who Help Out at School
Shifu Learning New Things Hoping to Spread the Teachings

6-12 Minutes
Shifu’s Job is to Bring out the Best in Each Student
Rewards come from seeing Students Evolve
Everything at School by Design – Different on Purpose
Complainer is a Complainer – Changing that with Mindful Conscious Effort
Practice is Designed to Help you Recognize Your Patterns

12-18 Minutes
Dedication of Students even during Full Time Education & Work
Choosing to Practice and Help because Student Sees Value in It
Patience and Perseverance: Applying the Wisdom of the Practice
Those who Help out in Youth Program, Seniors Helping Juniors
No Strength in being Separate Fire Burns Brighter as a Whole

18-24 Minutes
Big Turnouts for Class – Feeding on One Another’s Energy
Separate Entities Burn Out Quicker – We keep Each Other Going
Each Rung of Ladder of Learning Needs to be Learned Deeply
Appreciating the Little Things that can Make a Difference in our Lives
To Learn Something New – Forget Who You Are and What You Know

24-30 Minutes
Awareness Develops when you Learn to Quiet Yourself
Practical Daoism – Trying Things for Yourself
Testing to See What Works for You or Doesn’t – Breaking Old Patterns
Shifu’s Goal for Everyone is Personal Experience – Not Telling you What to Feel
Training Beginners – Grasping Basics and Philosophy

30 Minutes to End
Looking for New Messages when Old Answers will Serve
Here & Now, Letting Go – Becoming Mainstream and People Begin to Ignore
Looking back at 2009 for you Personally, Seeing What Can & Should Change
Willingness to Get Off Couch and Start – Using Body to Change Your Mind
End the Year Strong, Begin New One Stronger – Apply the Knowledge

About the Author Shifu Ahles

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