Meditation Dangers



Guided Long Form Meditation (with Pain Sequence)

0-6 MinutesPossible Negative Side to Meditation
Our Practice Balanced Using both Body & Mind
Glassy Eyed Look to some Students of Meditation
Signals to Watch for Lack of Effort, Spacey, Mindless Motions 
Those who Want to Leave Society, Escape

6-12 Minutes
Being Here for a Reason – Wanting what we Got
People who see Visions – How to Turn it into a Gift
Tree Imagery –Trees need Strong Roots to Grow
BodyMind Training not just Mind
Extensive Meditation Alone can be Dangerous due to Lack of Balance

12-17 Minutes
Answer to Every Danger Same – Tuning in more to Physical Existence
Developing Powerful Grounded Root System with Physical Practice
Why End Meditation with a Good, Deep Breath
Mediation good for Relaxing but Doesn’t Touch upon Potential
Without the Grounding – may not Care about Physical Reality, Relationships
Develop your Mind, Start Controlling Chi Level, Get in and use Spiritual Level

17-22 Minutes
Prepared, Strong, Rooted when Chaos Reigns through Meditation and Exercise
Learning to Step Back and Ask Why this Challenge?
Things Happen – Your Chosen to Experience These Things for Something
Growing out of One Pattern – Get New Challenges Presented to You
Being a Pillar Others can Lean on – Collapsing without Root
Build the Strength without there being the Problem then you are Prepared

22 – 26 Minutes
Things Happen to Everyone – Being Prepared with the Training
Those on Spiritual Path tend to have more Difficult Challenges
Repeating Patterns in your Life until Your Consciousness is Raised
The Thrill of the Roller Coaster – Accepting, Tasting, Experiencing

27 Minutes to End
Pain Sequence part of Long Form Guided Meditation
Accelerating the Ability to Heal – Learning to Unblock the Stagnation
Wrapping Pain in a Sphere – Being Talked through Step by Step
Explanation of Command Breath along with Segmented Tension & Relaxation

About the Author Shifu Ahles

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