Getting What You Want From The Practice & Life (Part 2)

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Part 1
Increased Energy
Concepts of Pre-Birth , Post-Birth & Qi (Energy)

Part 2
Post-Birth – Controlling what we can
Air – Breathing Exercises
Food – Converting Food into Energy
Borrowing Time from Tomorrow

Part 3
Processed Foods – Making Your Body Work Harder
Figuring out Food & Feelings for Yourself
Headaches, Dizziness

Part 4
The Real “Price” of Convenience Products
Temper Control & Self Control
Holding things in
Getting to the Root of the Problem
Getting Control of the Breath and the Mind

Part 5
An “Attitude of Gratitude”
Trouble as our Teacher
Mindfulness in Everything
Finding your “Inner Animal”

Part 6
Awareness & Mindfulness as Self Defense
Defending yourself against Environment & Stress

About the Author Shifu Ahles

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