Part 1
Better Mental Attitude
Attitude effects Everything
Meditation – Don’t judge just practice
Getting more Centered, more Control, more Aware of Reactions
How do some people “push our buttons” so easily?
This is just “who I am” Syndrome
Part 2
What kind of energy are you putting out in the world?
Exercise – Why not just go to the gym?
Limitations of Specific Exercises
What is good exercise?
Part 3
Concerned with Looking Good
Your health is determined by the health of Organs
Improved Concentration
Concentration Exercise
Part 4
Building Self Confidence
Confidence comes from Experience
Conquering Fear
Part 5
Making Yourself a Target for Attack
Weight Control – when exercise won’t work
Finding what works for your body
Nutrients through Natural Food
Part 6
Changing your Habits and Beliefs about Food
“Skinny” Fat People
Weight loss through Proper Nutrition