Q & A: Awareness, Expressing Power, Bodily Reactions To Stress, A Guide For Change

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Part 1
Difficulty Refining and “Mastering” a Technique
Training Reflex & Applying Principles
“Dirty” Fighting
Why do we always Change to left when Practicing?

Part 2
Reflexively paying attention to details around you
How Awareness Helps us
Expressing Power – When to Use Power Exhale
Power Exhale – Story of Real Application

Part 3
Skills Developed by Practicing Properly
Importance of Practicing Hard & Practicing Right
Practicing Meditation & Breathing Helps in Real Life
What happens to Body when Nervous & Stressed

Part 4
A system based on Natural Principals & Health
Finding Peace through Practicing
Breathing Fully vs. Shallow Breathing
“Performance” Martial Arts

Part 5
Different Focus and Reasons to Practice
Training for Show & Belts/Sashes
Fisherman Story
Learning Self Sufficiency & Responsibility

Part 6

Real Goals of the Practice
Empowering Yourself
Accepting other People’s Answers – Figuring out for Yourself
Do the Work & Determine what Makes Sense to You
Taking Responsibility for Your Choices
Increased Awareness – A guide for Change

About the Author Shifu Ahles

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