Q & A: Emotional Control, Visualization, Feeling of Separation, Practice Questions

[amprotect=1,4,5,6,Week 28]


Part 1

Avoiding “Getting in Other’s Faces”
Learning to really Listen and Respond Well
Why is Visualization so Important?
Fully Engage Mentally in Everything
Raising your Consciousness

Part 2

Visualizing Threats – Learning to “Make it Real”
Concentration Exercise Explained
Training your Mind like a Muscle
Is Tendency to Visualize During Meditation a Problem?
How you Live the Rest of Your Life affects your Focus
Training our Mind to be Distracted

Part 3

Practice Causing Feelings of Isolation from Others
Can you Feel “the Flow” yet Mentally trying to Control the Mind
Developing a Reflex so Flow can Happen
Book: “The Inner Game of Tennis”
Mind Tripping Us Up from Performing our Best

Part 4

Focus without judgment – Letting Body Just Do
Personality Types – Some Make Learning Near Impossible
Not Allowing Fear and Frustration Get in the Way of Learning
Stress Stifles our Ability to Open the Mind and Absorb
Ability to Control the Mind; Unlocks the Key to the Body Just Doing

Part 5

Must you Return to Starting Position During Roundhouse Kick?
Training for Balance by Controlling the Pivot and Step
Physical Demonstration of Round House Kicks

Part 6

Practicing at Home Little of This and That:
How to Improve Home Practice
Amount and Usage of Time in Practice
Specific Tips on What to Practice and How Many
Scheduling Rotation of Working Skill Sets
Strong Mind can Accomplish Far More in Less Time
Letting Go of Ego and Willingness to Ask Questions in Class

About the Author Shifu Ahles

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