It’s Easy to Quit, But At What Cost?

[amprotect=1,4,5,6,Week 17]


Part 1
Blue Dragon School at Pa Kua Summer Camp ‘09
So Easy to Quit, Many Reasons//Excuses Why You Can’t
Inner Talk: Too Difficult, Too Little Time, Money, Progress
Must Have and Know your own Reason for Practicing
Superficial Skill Level in the Martial Arts
Adding Depth & Fully Engaging in Your Practice

Part 2

Beyond Physical Skill in Martial Arts: Skilled at the Art of Living
Physical, Mental/Emotional, Spiritual Components
Connecting Deeply to Your Practice
Taking Care of your Mind & Body – Using the Breath as a Bridge
What are the Components to Live Better?
Highly Skilled – Acquiring the Skills and Using the Tools
Seeing Your True Character

Part 3

When Emotions get the Best of You – Control the Mind
Upset and Stressed? Use the Tools you’ve Learned & Apply Them
Mind Changes and Shifts with Practice
Spiritual Side of the Practice – Everything to do with Connections
Recognizing why you do what you do

Part 4

Discovery of the Ego – Main Goal Training is Destruction of the Ego
Can’t last the years of Practice with Clear Reasons
Putting Value in Material Things
Excuses lead to Obstacles – What Gets in the Way of Practice?

Part 5

Life Passing by Without Doing the Things you Really Want
Avoiding Regret – Doing it Now
Putting Yourself First – Being the Best You Can
Applying the Tools Makes you a Better Partner & Parent

Part 6

What is the Cost of Not Taking Care of Yourself?
Worst to Have the Tools and not Using them
Empty Words & Promises
Make Decision to Practice – Once and Be Done
Practical Usage of Tools Taught

About the Author Shifu Ahles

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