Decide To Make An Effort



0-8 Minutes
Pull the Trigger – Deciding to Move Forward
Bite Your Tongue – Deciding not to Respond, Defend & Attack
Using Silence as Tool
Becoming more Aware of Own Habits & Choosing what is Right

8-16 Minutes
Diligence in Recognizing your Actions & Reactions Affect Others
The Dangers & Pitfalls of Laziness 
The Monkey Mind Easily Bored, Addicted to Distractions
Abusing Sleep – Letting Time Pass you By

16-24 Minutes
The Need to Be Afraid of Dying – Recognizing Limited Time in Life
Prove you Value – Your Dreams, Goals & Aspirations
Prove you Value your Relationships, Making the Effort for Others
Negative Learning – Choosing to go the Other Way, Breaking Patterns
Recognizing Grain of Own Character & Conscious Decisions

24–32 Minutes
Death can Happen on Many Levels – Finally Seeing the Light
Evaluating the Importance of Your Choices & Impact on Others
The Darker Side of Being Awake
Making an Effort not just when You Feel Like it & its Convenient

32-40 Minutes
Recognizing what Needs Work, Failing and Getting up Again
Pros & Cons of Setting Deadlines Dates on Goals
Commitment, Gets you to Act
Attachment, Fixed on Results – Creating Stress, Dream Killers
Moving in Right Direction: Committing to Small Accomplishments, Pieces

40 Minutes to End
Are you Easily Influenced or Someone who Influenced?
Those with Strong Self Discipline, Diligence not Easily Led Astray
Don’t Get What you Want when you Don’t Apply what you Know
Discipline Your Mind, Habits and Strengthen your Belief in Yourself
Self Confidence can come from being Able to Make Good Decisions

About the Author Shifu Ahles

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