24/7 Practice & Commitment

[amprotect=1,4,5,6,Week 21]


Part 1
Masters’ Workshop – Noticing Posture
Advocating the 24/7 Practice
Simply Sitting Still does not equal Meditation
Staying on a Focal Point and Catching it when you are not
Reeling in the Mind – Dealing with Frustration
Challenge of Meditation in this Society

Part 2

Looking at your Habits & Behavior in Everyday Life
Doing Only One Thing and Focusing Only on That
How Much of Your Life is Wasted on What ifs?
Taking Ability to Focus on 1 thing from the Cushion to Life
Awareness #1 Rule of Self Defense
Fully Committing Yourself to Anything
Trading Hours for Dollars on the Job

Part 3
Level of Commitment to Job Translates into your Value and Compensation
Avoiding Job Cuts through Real Commitment
Commitment in Relationships – Unable to Commit or Focusing Elsewhere
Technically Together but not Fully Committed

Part 4

Being Indecisive even After Decision is Made
How it all Ties into Your Practice
Old Story of Searching for a Good Teacher & Asking to Be Accepted
To truly Succeed in Martial Arts requires Sincere Commitment
Student’s Patience & Perseverance, Control needed to Develop Own Skill
Becoming a Disciple – Making Commitment Official and Changes within

Part 5
Making and Putting a Decision Behind and then Be Able to Focus on Your Efforts
Applying Yourself 100% to Whatever Role you are Playing in that Moment
Be Wise Enough to Use Your Time, Energy on what Means Something to You
Cannot Fully Experience Your Life without Awareness
Shifu’s Decision – Having to Choose between Teachers and Making a Full Commitment

Part 6
Asking Others for Advice or Listening to Others Opinions
Look at the Results others get before Considering their Advice
Master Park’s Response to Indecision
So Many Answers Come from Doing
Not Attaching to Progress – Growth will come through Time & Effort

About the Author Shifu Ahles

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