Q & A: Focus on NOW – Fight or Flight – Wide Angle Vision

Some very interesting questions and responses come up in this Q&A with Shifu Ahles as he addresses questions like: whether it is beneficial to put mind elsewhere when experiencing stressful thoughts or is that an avoidance technique, why there was a delayed emotional reaction after staying calm during a confrontation, how the practice has the potential to help high blood pressure and wide angle vision.

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Pitfalls of Future Focus – Learn to Enjoy Your NOW

When will it be 5pm, the weekend, when is vacation, how long until retirement? Do you find yourself always thinking of what’s next instead of what’s now? Then this talk is the wake up call you need. It’s weaved with intereresting stories that bring home the importance of seeking out the joy in our lives rather than focus on the suffering. Sit down and soak it in as Shifu Ahles drives home the point – learn to enjoy your NOW.

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Q & A: Tracker School Experiences, Group Practice, and Toughness

This week’s talk provides a chance to listen in as Shifu Ahles retells some of his unusual experiences at Tom Brown Jr.’s Tracker School and shares examples of what can happen when you learn to see and feel things beyond the physical world. A student questions if it’s a negative to prefer to practice with others rather than solo practice. The two ways to learn about yourself through your martial arts practice is revealed in this talk. This Q & A wraps up with the question many martial arts students have pondered…how do you know when you’ve reached the level to successfully defend yourself? Watch and find out!

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Climbing Your Mountain – The Voyage “Home”

Climbing Your Mountain – The Voyage “Home” by Shifu Raymond Ahles We each have our mountain to climb. Some we choose consciously, others seem randomly thrown in our path throughout life. You can choose to avoid – ignore – deny. You can turn your back and delay. You can argue and fight – kick your […]

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Learning to Be Afraid of our World Video

Watch this short clip to discover more about the sources of stress and how the media impacts the labels and judgments people place on themselves. Check out our home page for more clips and don’t forget to sign up for our email list to get more tips and information.

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Cultivating Positive Daily Habits, Expanding Consciousness & Being Human

This talk starts with a story about the Buddha and his students who ask the Buddha “what are you?”. You’ll have to listen to this enlightening talk about cultivating positive daily habits that help expand the consciousness and teaches you that your practice can be 24/7. That age old expression of we are “only human” is explored by Shifu Ahles as he challenges the thought process behind it that makes it too easy to let ourselves off the hook when we do not respond well to temptations and challenges.

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