All posts by Shifu Ahles

Meditation For Clarity

[amprotect=1,4,5,6,amsilent] [/amprotect] Part 1 Much Overlap with the 7 Keys – 2-5 All Require Clarity to be Effective Meditation Requires Concentration without just a Mind Full of Thoughts Clarity helps us to see what is Really There Mental Control is very Hard in this Society Part 2 Peeling Away the Layers of the Illusion of […]

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The Power of Together

This is a strong (if not obnoxious) important message that was presented by Dr. Mercola. The rant is taken from the 1976 movie “Network” where the Peter Finch character is clearly “fed up” with what he sees going on around him. Though this is political in nature, I can highly recommend as an excellent resource for the most up to date information for natural health anywhere. Last I’ve heard, he’s got about 20 million subscribers!

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Phenomenon clip – Getting Back Home

This is a wonderful reminder of stopping all the doing and just being.

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A Mother’s Love

A true “never give up” attitude demonstrated here.

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